Crackers are thin and dry slabs made from dough in the form of the main ingredient containing starch, to extend the shelf life and increase the nutrition of the crackers, it is necessary to add various ingredients, one of which is Moringa leaf extract. and storage time. This study used a completely randomized design (RAL) with a factorial pattern with 2 factors, factor a, namely the addition of Moringa leaf extract with different percentages (30%, 40% and 50%) and factor b, the storage time are (5 days, 10 days and 15 days). The quality of the meat crackers produced was observed (protein and water holding capacity). The results of the analysis showed that the percentage of addition of Moringa leaf extract and storage time had a significant effect (P<0,05) and there was an interaction between the two treatment factors on the value of water holding capacity, but there was no significant effect (P>0,05) and there was no interaction between the two treatment factors on the protein content of beef crackers. The addition of the percentage of Moringa leaf extract along with storage time was able to increase the water holding capacity of the meat crackers, while the protein content of the crackers tended to decrease. Meat crackers with the addition of 40% Moringa leaf extract and 10 days of storage time produced crackers with the highest water holding value which was 7,03±0,26 a and the lowest protein value which was 14,49±2,28.
moringa leaf extract,beef crackers, protein, water holding capacity
Conference title:
SEMINAR NASIONAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN TEKNOLOGI HASIL PERTANIAN (SNPP-THP): Inovasi dan Tantangan Pengembangan Produk Hasil Pertanian yang Halal, Aman, dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi
Page number:
Publication date:
17 October 2022