The use of cocoa as the basic ingredient for chocolate processing is carried out with various processing processes, one of the processes used is fermentation. The fermentation process involves many things, both in terms of metabolites and microorganisms involved as well as the process of making and processing chocolate. This devotion is to observe the process of fermentation that occurs to the quality produced from cocoa beans that have been fermented. This fermentation observation process aims to obtain dry cocoa beans that are of good quality and have a distinctive aroma and taste of chocolate, chocolate color and the appearance of hollow chocolate bean chips will reduce the bitter and astringent taste of cocoa beans. The fermentation process can cause temperature changes caused by microorganism processes that take place during the fermentation process, this process plays a big role in visual physical changes. In this study, which was conducted at one of the research institutions by testing the results of the fermentation process, it was seen from the results of the split test. The results of observations made from 50 dried cocoa beans produced fermentation obtained 8 purple to gray beans, 7 seeds fermented less than perfectly and the rest were fully fermented.
Cocoa beans, fermentation, cut test
Conference title:
SEMINAR NASIONAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN TEKNOLOGI HASIL PERTANIAN (SNPP-THP): Inovasi dan Tantangan Pengembangan Produk Hasil Pertanian yang Halal, Aman, dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi
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Publication date:
17 October 2022