Coffee (Coffee spp.) is the world second most consumed beverages and plays as one of the most important agricultural commodities with more than 12.5 million people worldwide depending their income in-/directly from coffee growing activities as well as in the supply chain products. It is majorly cultivated in more than 50 countries stretching over 10,2 million hectares of land in the sub-/ tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Latin America. Coffea spp. belongs to the genus Coffea in the Rubiaceae family. Although, approximately 100 identified species is included in the genus Coffea, only two are being recognized as the most commercial type: Coffea arabica L. (arabica), C. canephora (robusta); with lesser amount of C. liberica (liberica). Indonesia is acknowledged as the fourth biggest coffee producer in the world. Four major cultivation regions are known: Aceh in the north of Sumatra, Sidikalang (North Sumatra), Lampung (southern part of Sumatra), Toraja on Sulawesi. Aceh is known as the biggest arabica plantation with over 100,000 hectares. The plantation is extended in Aceh Tengah, Bener Meriah and Gayo Lues, all are found on 950- 1,450 m above sea level (a.s.l.). There are several cultivars of arabica that are known for many decades, such as: Ateng 1, Ateng 2, Ateng Super, Ateng Janda, BP 542 A, P 88, Timtim Aceh, and Borbor, with the last two are noted as the most suitable and well adapted with the climatic condition to Gayo highlands. This paper reviews the agronomy, genetic diversity and post-harvest of Gayo arabica coffee.
Biodiversity, Postharves, SSCA
Conference title:
SEMINAR NASIONAL PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN TEKNOLOGI HASIL PERTANIAN (SNPP-THP): Inovasi dan Tantangan Pengembangan Produk Hasil Pertanian yang Halal, Aman, dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi
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Publication date:
17 October 2022